Elections Calendar
Mailing Addresses
Town Hall
(including the Public Works Department and the Police Department)
108 S. D Street
Bridger, MT 59014
Town Hall
(including the Public Works Department and the Police Department)
108 S. D Street
Bridger, MT 59014
Mayor Mark DeRudder 406-698-3505 or mayor@bridger-mt.com
Clifford Shultz 406-208-9823 or council3@bridger-mt.com
Shala Cullum 406-662-1389 or council2@bridger-mt.com
Doug Asbury 406-591-7358 or council4@bridger-mt.com
Dustin Taylor 406-694-7925 or council1@bridger-mt.com
Town Hall 406-662-3677 or clerk@bridger-mt.com
Regular Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
(Regular meeting times are subject to change, please see the Agendas/Council Packets & Minutes link for exact dates.)